New Customer Portal

Posted about 6 years ago by John - Groff Automation

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John - Groff Automation
John - Groff Automation Admin

Announcing the Groff Automation Customer Portal

With the release of Crystal Delivery 12.5 and above, we've improved the process of licensing Crystal Delivery, adding a maintenance plan, and adding support.

Licensing, Maintenance, and Support Improvements

  • All license purchases remain perpetual (you keep your license forever)
  • All license purchases come with a 6 month maintenance plan
    • An active maintenance plan is required to receive updates for Crystal Delivery.
    • Expired maintenance plans can be renewed through the Customer Portal.
  • Licenses can now be purchased with a 1 month support plan.

All Customers on Older Versions of Crystal Delivery

If you are an existing customer with an expired Maintenance Plan, you can renew through the Customer Portal which will allow you to download the latest version of Crystal Delivery.

Thank you all for your continued support!


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