Release 14.5.0 - June 12, 2022

Posted about 2 years ago by John - Groff Automation

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John - Groff Automation
John - Groff Automation Admin


  • Added dynamic assembly detection for Crystal Reports Runtime to support other versions of the runtime.


  • Removed the "Database Updated!" Message Box to improve user experience.
  • Upgraded DevExpress dependencies to version to 21.2.
  • Changed the Help > Crystal Reports Installed Version to the correct Runtime Version.
  • Updated .NET requirement from 4.5 to 4.7.2
  • Updated NLog.4.6.8 to NLog.5.0.0.
  • Service:  Updated NLog.4.6.8 to NLog.5.0.0.
  • Installer:  SAP Crystal Reports Runtime will install quietly without generating additional dialogs.
  • Removed support for wyDay auto-update feature which had been depreciated for a better auto-update method.


  • Fixed a major bug with Report Database Connections which caused Crystal Delivery to not import all of the required connections in the report when scheduling a report.
  • Installer: Vendor resolved a bug which caused the installer to lock up when the serial number was entered incorrectly.
  • Installer: Fixed the prerequisite checks to detect if the required dependencies are installed.

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