New self service license reset for transferring machines available
almost 4 years ago
by Quinn W
Quinn W
If you're looking to move your existing license from one machine to another follow the link and enter your email in the provided Field. Upon completing the captcha you'll be directed to "Your License Information" at the bottom of the screen where you can click the blue "RESET LICENSE" button. Now just follow the onscreen instructions in the provided window and you're done!
All the best :)
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IT Deptposted
over 3 years ago
This would be a great feature except for the 30 day wait per reset. We have been having some issues and were going to try re-installing, but have to wait to reset the license install count. And we have had no response to any of our ticket questions (two separate tickets).
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John - Groff Automationposted
about 3 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
Crystal Delivery can be re-installed on the same machine repeatedly as long as the computer name matches. The only time you will need to use the reset license functionality is when installing on a machine with a different machine name.
A license reset is only required if your computer name changed for the reinstall.
For example: You originally installed on "ComputerABC" and now you are installing on "ComputerDEF." In this case, you would use the license reset and then install on "ComputerDEF" without issue.
This is the only protection we currently have to ensure users are purchasing the correct number of licenses and not sharing keys.
If you're looking to move your existing license from one machine to another follow the link and enter your email in the provided Field. Upon completing the captcha you'll be directed to "Your License Information" at the bottom of the screen where you can click the blue "RESET LICENSE" button. Now just follow the onscreen instructions in the provided window and you're done!
All the best :)
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IT Dept posted over 3 years ago
This would be a great feature except for the 30 day wait per reset. We have been having some issues and were going to try re-installing, but have to wait to reset the license install count. And we have had no response to any of our ticket questions (two separate tickets).
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John - Groff Automation posted about 3 years ago Admin
Thank you for the feedback.
Crystal Delivery can be re-installed on the same machine repeatedly as long as the computer name matches. The only time you will need to use the reset license functionality is when installing on a machine with a different machine name.
A license reset is only required if your computer name changed for the reinstall.
For example: You originally installed on "ComputerABC" and now you are installing on "ComputerDEF." In this case, you would use the license reset and then install on "ComputerDEF" without issue.
This is the only protection we currently have to ensure users are purchasing the correct number of licenses and not sharing keys.
Reset License Instructions
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